Jimmy Rabinowitz uses computer and graphic software as the media for all of the pictures and drawings shown in the site. The pictures are produced entirely by the computer from the initial sketches, drawn directly onto the computer screen, to the  alternative shapes, colors, various effects, textures and backgrounds as shown in the HOMEPAGE.

In the various GALLERIES alternative and different computer generated paintings of these pictures with the same theme are presented. The galleries can be views by clicking the "More pictures in ........" under the HOMEPAGE picture or by going directly to the GALLERIES menu and browsing through the respective galleries.

The PROCESS page provides an insight into the capability and effects available in some of the of the various computer graphic peogrammes. Development of the  finished picturefrom the initial line drawing is diplayed

The STORE presents framed pictures that have ben sold or exhibited during the last few years

Atar2b web sites design & developement  |  Copyright © 2012 Jimmy Rabinowitz. All rights reserved